Rocking the soils of Germany on June 15th
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Rocking the soils of Germany on June 15th

Last Saturday certainly was a productive day, for 60 of our fellow German farmers, who took part in the very first soil health workshop organised by our friends from Rock the Soils.

Matt Slaughter, founder of Earthfort Lab in Oregon held a passionate presentation of soil microbiology and composting.
Max Schmidt talked about lime, and George Keckl might have had the hardest topic : the impacts of green politics and so called faked news !

All that was needed then, to conclude the day, was for farmer and Novag’s partner Alexander Kluemper to share is experience of transitionning to no-till. The following visit of his farm confirmed more than once the power of soil biology, and what can happen for real, in practice, when you start „rocking the soils“…